jerms MKI reserve

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jerms MKI reserve

Post by jerms »

hey all, so on my final evening before the next leg of our tour, i'm finally updating my situation regarding these MKI's, sorry this has taken so long but i've been in a bit of a dilemma here..... i've got some good news and some bad news!....well first off a little back story.... so i've been looking for transistors to finish up this list.... i just missed out on some 2G381's while i was finishing up the last batch :bangs head: and my supplier offered some telefunken 2G381's so i got 50 of them. after testing i maybe got 15 maybe usable ones, bummer!!! :scared: expensive and low quality, so i decided to keep looking.... then i got a couple leads from members here on the forum, and after looking into these i came up empty again. :scared: nothing panned out for the real deal trannies.... so i had pretty much given up and was readying for the next BTS tour when my supplier emailed..... he said they had found a box of 500-600 Texas Instruments 2G381's.... well to say the least i was stoked and sunk a small fortune into getting some...... so i left for tour and the package of transistors showed up the day after i left :doh: .... well needless to say i felt good because i've dealt with this supplier before..... so i return from tour and dig into the package..... squat cans with gold legs and the little picture of texas on them!!...... i was happy! so i started testing them and they were turning to be fairly consistent and all was good.... then, i since i had a bunch to test, i started to look them over a bit.... first thing i noticed was the print of 2G381 on them didn't look like the last batch, all the numbers and the G were al the same size, on the last batch the G was larger than the numbers... then i noticed that there was no black paint on the tops to indicate the collector.... weird also but you never know, could be a different year of manufacture etc... i was curious so i took out a magnifying glass to look closer (my eyes suck) and there i saw, behind/or underneath the current print, the old numbers 2G382?!?!?!?! with the larger G and the date code beneath.... basically some one had taken a batch of real Texas Instruments 2G382's and cleared off the print, except for the state of texas, and relabeled them as 2G381's!!!! fuuuuuuuuck!!!! :gripe: now what's also strange is that the new print looks just like the the typeface of the so called "telefunken's" that i received earlier...... so is someone faking 2G381 transistors over there in england (where the supplier is)? i wish i knew!!!!!! i guess people will do anything to make an extra buck!!!...... capitalism at its finest!! :banger: anyway, to say the least i was real bummed out!!!! :scared: but, i went ahead and made up a MKI with these new 2G382's..... and i must say it sounded every bit as good as my favorite MKI that i've kept for myself, and my D*A*M 1965!!!! i suppose i really wouldn't be making this post if i didn't think these were every bit as good as the last batch i had of the 2G381's..... actually the 2G382 is the higher voltage version of this transistor.... they look identical down to the same datecodes and green epoxy filler.... i guess these would be a bit of a heavier duty 2G381. they measured real nice and i maybe even got a better yield than the last batch of 2G381's. so i will be honoring the reserve list (unfortunately i won't start building any till december/january, mucho touring left to do this year!!).... as long as you all who are on it still want one..... please if you wish to drop off because of the transistor issue.... or the price tag of $420 paypalled and shipped. please let me know ASAP..... also, i will unfortunately not be taking another list, i'm finished with lists, sorry! :scared: so here's the final lineup:

29) tonechaser
30) scott
31) mmg
32) joebob
33) worldcatalyst
34) emeka
35) 2tone
36) cubba
37) mjkk
38) analoghog
39) skinpimp
40) drewskee
41) hongsta
42) emaneux
43) professor plum
44) ah-puch
45) minty fresh
46) stravinsky
47) get with it
48) sunday feast
49) jj vampower
50) taller76
51) rabbitpunch
52) imguitardan
53) treble boost kid

here's a datasheet for all you techies.....
Snapshot 2010-08-24 00-24-43.jpg
Snapshot 2010-08-24 00-24-43.jpg (69.63 KiB) Viewed 7717 times
Snapshot 2010-08-24 00-21-57.jpg
Snapshot 2010-08-24 00-21-57.jpg (62.22 KiB) Viewed 7717 times
here's some pix of trannies:

1) 2 of the new trannies (notice the two 2's on the first one)
IMG_0035.jpg (330.89 KiB) Viewed 7717 times
2) another angle of the same trannies, (note the partially rubbed out date code on the first one)
IMG_0033.jpg (319.9 KiB) Viewed 7717 times
3) a "telefunken", one of the new trannies, (note the similarity of the type face on these first 2 trannies) a real 2G381 (note the larger G on the real one)
IMG_0043.jpg (334.86 KiB) Viewed 7717 times
edit: oh yeah.... a little trannie prOn!
DSC00032.jpg (324.57 KiB) Viewed 7699 times
Last edited by jerms on Fri Feb 25, 2011 4:45 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by emanux »

:shocked: :shocked: :shocked:

I remain in the list, I want one :badteeth:

Thanks!!! :tu:
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Re: jerms MKI tonebender reserve

Post by capricorn_1 »

wow jerms, sorry to hear about this shit :errr:
i bet they sound just as good as the '1's :badlove:
Ghost Effects, Birmingham, UK

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Post by the treble boost kid »

I'm stoked.............
and so forth..........
Let's be fucking honest........
T I E - F I G H T E R..........L E T S R O L L !!!
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Post by eastcoast »

Jerms, if any one drops of the List I would love to get on if its cool with you
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Post by DucRyder »

What the fuck is up with people faking trannies? At least you got something decent for your money Jim!
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Re: jerms MKI tonebender reserve

Post by sundayfeast »

I am completely beyond excited!
Pay now or when complete?
Best thoughts and wishes,
Tim or sundayfeast
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Re: jerms MKI tonebender reserve

Post by garyrogue »

Jessh, for that to happen. I'd like to get on the reserve list, or future when you uncover somemore.
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Re: jerms MKI tonebender reserve

Post by Scott »

I'm in it till the end!! Can't wait!!! :crackjam: :tu:
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Post by imguitardan »

Yeah! I'm on the list! See you in Cleveland, Jerms!
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