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Differential Audio Manifestationz. We hail from the dark and dank environment of South Yorkshire, England and our lo-fi production team currently consists of David A Main and Daniel Lee Tunstill. Linzi Haynes who constructed several hundred D*A*M effects spanning over decade now takes a more relaxed back seat role within the business. The D*A*M concept was born November 2001 and became a full-time operation in October 2004. Alongside the D*A*M creations we also produce effects for Sola Sound Ltd and run a side project under the banner of Emanating Fist Electronics.

So what's the plan?

We make Fuzz Boxes. Old school ballsy sounding Fuzz Boxes. Our style of construction and the sounds these little boxes produce are of days gone by. Simple, to the point, honest I guess you could say. We cut through the shit and offer you a product with a flavour rich in heritage styled for the now. Compact, solid, reliable, trust worthy little boxes of primeval funk.

Less is more

While the majority of D*A*M pedals are very simple in design they do rely on careful selecting of components, especially the pedals that use discrete components (transistors rather than Integrated Chips), to achieve the correct tones. Germanium elements would be the main culprit for consuming time and need careful testing; you can't just pull one out of a box and expect it to sound right. Certain tests need to be done before a part is even considered for use within a pedal and even then it could still fail the final testing procedures. Leakage, gain & stability tests are required followed by matching selections into the appropriate sets, then finally audio tests within a test unit. Only then can the parts go into a finished pedal and that has to be done for each and every pedal without fail.

In a nutshell, the original idea for D*A*M way back when was basically about creating a balanced fusion between the old and new. In its rawest form, a fat bellied stinky old fuzz circuit lovingly crammed into a rugged small footprint sized stompbox. I guess we're still rolling with that plan.

...simple but effective.

David Andrew Main ~ Captain of the ship