Tattoo artist duzz fuzz (edit)

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Re: Sonic TiTan clones being sold on TGP..........

Post by The Captain »

Sickle wrote:
That's what happens when you let a tattoo artist design your fuzz enclosure.

:fu: :fu: :fu:
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Re: Sonic TiTan clones being sold on TGP..........

Post by the_original_mr_nice »

Sickle wrote:Another tattoo artist fuzz addict, eh?
So that's another sub-genre of fuzziness that is developing !
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Re: Sonic TiTan clones being sold on TGP..........

Post by jimi_dylan »

Blobcaster wrote:
jimi_dylan wrote:The TGP page clearly states that Sonic Titan clones are not being sold. I think this thread title should be edited or deleted, since it is simply not true. The only other purpose of a thread so titled is to talk about fiction.
when i posted this it was clearly not the case!!!!!!!!!plenty was edited out,like the builder spamming right there in the face of TGP & his Spam through Gururyan is only thinly veiled.
I hear ya. Point taken.
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Re: Tattoo artist duzz fuzz (edit)

Post by gururyan »

Hey fuckers! :chillin:

I've been to busy playin' the pedals to come over here and post my thoughts, I see that it's already been a topic of discussion. The idea of using me as a guise for spam is simply untrue. Here's the story:

You may remember that I was offering my LRE Fuzz Sound for trade a few weeks ago. I was offered some very desirable fuzzes for trade including Creepy Fingers, Monolith, and a variety of other great pedals. Then I got an email from this gentleman in Texas, a tattoo artist. He offered to build me a pedal to my liking or one of his personal clones. I asked to see and hear some of his work. As you can tell, it was quite impressive. I then turned down all the other offers I had received, including members from here. I asked the tattoo artist if I could basically have a "tourbox" (for lack of a better term) of his builds so that I could either select from them or ask for a custom jobbie. The pedals you see/hear in the other thread/forum are what I received. I was blown away. I took them over to a friend's house where a few of us threw everything we had at them. I then decided that I couldn't have just one, I needed/wanted all of them. I asked him if it was alright if I shared my findings on the forums because being an addict, I know how fun it is to see/hear what others find. Keep in mind, this was all prior to him deciding to even begin selling pedals. Up to this point it was strictly a personal supply and ones he made for close friends. He did not ask, nor did he imply that I create such a thread. Sure, the thread can come off as spam in the sense that there are detailed pics, clips, and high praises...but that's because that's what I DO for a day job, and because these pedals do indeed kick ass. As stated in the thread, I neglected to mention or add the fact that many of those pedals would not be included in the "Skin Pimp" line for the exact reasons some of you got upset. He didn't claim originals, they were simply well built kick ass fuzzes. So much so, I bought them all....well, minus the MKII Big Bender, I've already got that area covered just fine. The first pedal he is releasing is the MKIII, which is not only not offered by our esteemed and honorable Captain, but it also contains mods to the original design.

I can see how some would have gotten a little upset at first notice, but I do hope that all is cool now and we can enjoy the fact we now have yet another fuzz aficionado that builds these not for a profit, but to support the love and labor that goes into the builds/works of art. Ryan, the builder that shares my name, holds the Captain in super high regards. As he stated, he never had the intention of building the Sonic Samurai for production. It was simply a build he made and sent to me as a sample of his build quality and finishing techniques.

That said, if anybody is ever in T-town and wants to swing by and jam on these or any of my other fuzz or non-fuzz pedals, c'mon by!...bring some good beer too. Now I've got to get back to the MKIII, it's fucking insane.

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Re: Tattoo artist duzz fuzz (edit)

Post by gururyan »

Sickle wrote:I've talked to Ryan a couple of times now, I've got him working on a custom project for me. I see no disrespect to the Captain whatsoever, so he gets the Sickle Badge of Approval.


I guess it was a good thing you passed my trade for the LRE up, or we'd not have learned about him.

Still, you're a fucker anyways!

:fu: :fu: :fu:
You have no idea how many times I've thought how lucky it was to stumble into him like this, via the LRE. Soooooo glad I did.

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Re: Tattoo artist duzz fuzz (edit)

Post by *J* »

" As far as I know, the pedals that result from these efforts are not intended to eliminate the past, but to keep that past alive."

I believe this is my first post here...must stop hitting the bong.....
but the above quote was very beautifully said and I agree 100%
I currently own two D.A.M. pedals (MKII and Sonic Titan) and I'm on the list for a Meathead deluxe.
I'm also on the list for two of SPs pedals , the buzzaround clone, because from what I've been told
I have a snowballs chance in hell of ever getting a D.A.M. version., and the MKIII.
I appreciate good craftsmanship and good tone and will buy from both builders. neither one has anything to
worry about although one does have something to prove.
let's keep the past alive boys and girls. long live FUZZ.
PEACE, John.
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Re: Tattoo artist duzz fuzz (edit)

Post by imlikeajungle »

*J* wrote: let's keep the past alive boys and girls.
PEACE, John.



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Re: Tattoo artist duzz fuzz (edit)

Post by *J* »

hehe.. :bong2: sorry....and thanks.
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