Colorsound Wow Fuzz

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Colorsound Wow Fuzz

Post by The Captain »










Come wit it now!

Cool new product 3 :party:

Colorsound Fuzz-Wah, or to be exact the Colorsound Wow-Fuzz! A new version of a funk-tastic old timer. The original 1970’s two transistor silicon distortion stage delivers the fuzz and the classic inductor based Colorsound wah circuit gives you the wow.
Ah, the inductor based circuit you say. Been awhile since Colorsound did that, ay? That’s right and who better to achieve time machine like accuracy on such a wah circuit than monsieur Castledine of Castledine Electronics fame. From the reproduction circuit board to the custom wound vintage specification inductor, this is a genuine and bona fide Colorsound wah in everyway. The huge soaring sweep, highs that level mountain tops and low mids that sink ships. Fast reacting prono soundtrack like cool, nothing chukka-wah’s like a Colorsound. Buddying up along side this specially falvoured wah circuit we have the authentic fuzz stage as featured in all the early Colorsound Fuzz-Wah’s. Voltage feedback family ahoy. This transistorized silicon fuzz circuit is biased for a smooth and mellow fuzz tone. Rich with heavy density that gels perfectly into the wah stage once engaged.


So what are these two sexy Colorsound circuits housed in? Well, well the real shit of course. Pressed on the very same machine as the originals and made to same road worthy standards. Stainless steel ruggedness with something akin to muscle car like cool. Chromed top plates and thick wods of almost edible orange paint, these things scream color-sound in every sense of the word. The enclosure is the element that has probably undergone the most refinement. The main thing any user of the originals will find using the new Wow-Fuzz is that you have a non-flappy treadle. The old school Colorsound Wah’s are great but most will suffer from a loose, and then with time, a flappy treadle. Kinda cool at times, often annoying at others. These new school enclosures are smooth but with a finely precise sweep. Still featuring the unique Colorsound actuator mechanism with that vast ultra extended frequency range. Basically, the best of both worlds. To ensure that most mighty of sweeps a Bourns long life potentiometer adds the cherry on top on your wah-foot interface.


Independently switchable stages. In other words one switch to engage each circuit. It may seem a little odd at first having both mounted at the front of pedal but it does work surprisingly well indeed. After a little bonding session with the pedal it becomes quite easy to select the circuit you desire or even engage/disengage both simultaneously. It is most certainly not rocket science but a little introductory time is never a bad thing.


The fuzz circuit in the Wow-Fuzz comes fitted with a 47k trimmer pot on the circuit board. The original Colorsound fuzz circuit came fitted with a 5k trimmer pot. This trimmer pot controls the overall output level of the fuzz stage. The finished Colorsound Wow Fuzz’s are shipped from the D*A*M space station with the trimmer pre-set to approximately 5k. The low value is to ensure maximum compatibility with the wah stage. This is a Fuzz-wah after all. A good Fuzz-Wah should have the two tones finely balanced. Set-up like this the fuzz’s output level will not be huge when used on its own. If you prefer to have more volume you can simply adjust the trimmer to taste. No harm will come to the circuit. Please note: Boosting the output level of the fuzz stage will result in bleeding from orifices Colorsound Wah’s have a lot of top, add a loud fuzz into the mix and Bam! Your face, skin, gone.

Okay, there is actually shit ton of things I could jabber on about in regards to this pedal but I think the aforementioned, the porn and a general run down of the brass tacks will serve most folk well here.

The Colorsound Wow Fuzz.

A superior quality vintage voiced Fuzz-Wah made into an authentically styled reproduction enclosure pressed on the very machines as the original 1970’s pedals. Featuring a new and improvement wah treadle action with the classic Colorsound ‘extended frequency’ response driven by a heavy duty long life potentiometer.

Professionally powder coated and chromed for the ultimate in vintage bling.

Castledine Electronics designed board layouts. Custom specification inductor and wah board assembly all done by Stuart Castledine.

BCcompnents, Vishay and Arcol electronic parts used through-out along with gain selected low noise BC183L silicon transistors.

Enclosure & final wiring assembly and fuzz board set-up & assembly by D*A*M.

Same deal as always here with these products. I'm just the builder. They are Sola Sound/Colorsound pedals; you have to speak to the Macari's if you are interested in acquiring and/or wish to find out pricing and shipping informations. You can contact them here:

Lastly, just what to say a public thank you to Electric Warrior for the most excellent help with the stickers. I’m sure your eyeballs were born in 1966, man. To Graham for lending me a bunch of his original early Colorosund and Sola Sound Fuzz-Wahs’s. To Stu for being game to go in for the joint build vibe. Feels good, man. And of course extra special thanks to Anthony and Steve for having us both on board.

Had a kinda trippy moment when I finished up this little lot. For some reason I stacked them all up into a pyramid, it looked cool so I took some pics. I thought to myself “cool, I’ve just made some Colorsound Fuzz-Wah’s” a realization dawned “what the fuck! I’ve just made some Coloursound mother fucking Fuzz-Wah’s!” As in, how the hell I got to be doing this I do not know.
I bought my first Colorsound wah when I was 19, cost me 69 quid. Took me like a month to save for it. I thought it was the most awesome thing ever. I wouldn’t have thought even for second that I could actually have a hand in making the damn things one day. Weirdness. Life is weird but it’s the weirdness that makes it all the more fun.


The pr0n...













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Post by kelvinator60 »

Very nice!
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Post by jetofuj »

Oh man :badlove:
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Re: Colorsound Wow Fuzz

Post by Scott »

I want one. Give it to me!!! :) :crackjam: :badlove:
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Post by norhyme »

:cthulhu2: Wow-wow-chukka-wow-wow-chukka-chukka-chukka :cthulhu2:
Last edited by norhyme on Sat Jun 18, 2011 9:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Philip »

Dave, Stu and Sola Sound = aceness! :party:
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Post by FuzzPauper »

Oh snap!

The juice is worth the squeeze.
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Post by Dudewater »

I volunteer to be the test guinea pig, send one my way lol
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Post by norhyme »

These pictures are damn sexy!!! Such a beautiful :freakout: pedal! :headpop:
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Post by kb892 »

fuk'n fuck yes!
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