The Dope Priest

The electron charged knuckle duster.

Moderator: The Captain

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The Dope Priest

Post by The Captain »


The Return of the Fist

Shi-Saw! Emanating Fist Electronics part II. The electron charged knuckle duster. Slap, slap, slap, all up in yo' face. Bigger, badder, bolder and with style too. This shits gonna pimp slap your sorry ass into a fuzzy coma.

Take 3. D*A*M Ram Head -> EFE XB-70 -> EFE Dope Priest. Same shit just a little more refined with an air of maturity, if the Ram Head was a bottle of Jim Beam the Priest is a bottle of Wild Turkey. As with the XB-70 the core circuit influence here is my slowly decaying 1977 Guild Foxey Lady though this time the circuit blue print is tailored to my own ears and tastes rather than just replication. I've taken some influence from V3 Sovteks and the Triangle Muffs, basically lowered background noise, tighter projection and greater ability to cut through dense frequencies. It ain't no reinvention of the wheel just the delivery of sounds that I dig in regards to this circuit type presented in way that appeals to me more than our past incarnations.


Big is beautiful

Visually, this is one of my favourite things to have fallen out of my head of late. It kinda suites the sounds held within down to the ground and makes a pleasant nod and wink to it's origins. I didn't have the balls back in 2005 to present the Ram Head in such a way so it's a trip to have an idea manifest that should have always been. It's kinda hard to tell from the pics and with the ink being silver an all (it's bouncing a lot of light back) but the silk screen is a fair bit tighter on these than we've had before. I decided to pull my finger out my ass and to start using a vectoring program to design the artwork, really makes the difference and makes for superior inkage.


New Dude is new

The coolest shit to be happening here is that neither myself or Linzi are making these pedals. We has a new crew member, innit. D*A*M/EFE solder jerk #3 is a local gearhead called Greg. He's worked on guitar restoration and repair for a good number of years so is no stranger to the pungent delights of soldering. If this shit rolls as planned we'll be having permanent solder jockey in the ranks. While Gregg is finding his feet and in some ways as a little reassurance that all is cool for you folks buying these things I'll be testing each one before they fly the coop. That ain't no slant on Greg's work, he knows his shit alright, just it's the first new builder we've had since Linz started in 2005. It's more of a thumbs up sticker that anything else.


1970 rollin' in sight

The point with the EFE trip is to make bad ass pedals, both visually and sonically, that are produced at a steady rate and that don't cost the earth. Something you ain't scared to kick across a beer soaked stage that will perform equally as well in the studio. The build style is a no nonsense approach. 1970's EH/Colorsound vibe all the way. Point A to B as cleanly as possible. No fucking around. Money spent where it's really necessary, and not when it ain't. The selected components do their jobs and do them well. No snake oil, no bullshit myth. You create your own magic and myths with the music you make with these tools.


Not much more needs to be said really. Will have clips soon so that will be the most necessary ingredients folk will be wanting. In a nutshell, The Dope Priest, bad ass Muff based distorter made by a new dude presented in a cool no nonsense approach delivering very usable broad ranging flavours, if you can't get a good tone outta this pedal you fucking suck! :hihi:

The first batch is pretty much all outta the door. Just contact your preferred dealer from those listed on the site for pricing and availability. This shit is still all very DIY, I still drill all the enclosures, the ink is still hand applied, the human brain stills fits all the pieces together so these ain't gonna be any en masse thing but they should be pretty steady once we gain some pace.

Pretty excited by this project. Feels good, man. :party:

More eyeball food...







Sounds added: 21/09/2012

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Re: The Dope Priest

Post by wheelman »

Looks Bad ASS!
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Post by daCod »

fooook yeah!!! looks and sounds incredible.

now lets see where them first 5 end up... :popcorn:
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Re: The Dope Priest

Post by GuitarOtoko »

Looks great and glad the aim is for a steady supply! :popcorn:
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Post by agoldoor »

God damn it really does look sweet... soooo eeeeviillll looking!
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Post by Zzufrepus »

All hail Greg!
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Re: The Dope Priest

Post by Lee »

I've been eagerly waiting for this pedal to surface. Thank you Dave, Linzi and Greg. Killer design the pedal looks perfect inside and out. Patiently wating for the email hopefully :pray:
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Post by cajone5 »

This is exactly the muff I've been after. I literally posted a thread a week ago wanting something that combines triangle and sovtek muffs. Clarity and cut. Sounds like this will work nicely. Hoping to get one (eventually) :party: :party: :party:
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Post by jetofuj »


By the footswitch nut you can simply see it's the new guy :hihi:
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Post by erer »

best looking dam ever. WAAANNNTTTTT!!!!!!! cant wait to hear this black beast.
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